


" Leonard and the Rainbow " by ROD who better than the artist to discuss it ?

Regarding the presentation, the explanation of an artwork, sometimes the artist’s voice is the only one that should be heard. Because it comes from the core of his being. Because the bond between the artist and his artwork is such that only he can truly express the emotions that were put into it. But also because we must respect the boundary set by the artist in regards to what he wants or doesn’t want to reveal, either by modesty or because he wants us to dig deeper into our own emotions, feelings, or personal experiences...


Such is the case for « Leonard and the Rainbow », and that is why I prefer to let ROD speak. Also, because I have the privilege of knowing the artist. And, I myself was moved by his words, for which I am thankful for, as I am of the artist and the man that he is. Lastly, thankful for allowing us to share it all with you.


Thank you ROD for all that you have to give...

Laurent Jeanniard

So...here's a short text, just a few words about "Leonard and the rainbow".

It is quite difficult for me to put into words the emotions I feel, because they are obviously stronger than what I could ever express, either verbally or through my creations.


It all started with a video...this one you must absolutely see !


(And, of course, it is best you watch it before reading my text.)


It all starts now!

Documentary by Yann-Arthus Bertrand

From that point on, everything started popping up in my mind, like clear flashes, because it had been moved emotionally. It was like a slap in the face.

It all echoed in me. It was as if I was watching a story that could have very well been my own…

For me, it was impossible to not be moved by his story. It meant so much, and at so many levels....humanity, society, love/hate.

So, I turned Leonard’s story into an artwork; my story and perhaps your story as well…


In this artwork (a masterpiece in my opinion), I imagined the life of Leonard, the environment in which he had grown up, surrounded by poverty, a dysfunctional family...that had taken place in a very grim background made of dust, wooden slabs, trash...


In it, there are many cubes that reflect various issues such as isolation, incest, suicide....I admit that there is nothing joyful in this creation, but it is all extremely DEEP and MEANINGFUL, which is essential to me! 


A good movie does not always have a happy ending...it can also be sad.


In this masterpiece, everything is burnt, arid, dried up and deprived of emotions...but, as in most of my creations, there is always a little something called...hope.



Focus - " Leonard & the rainbow " by Rod - 156 x 156 cm

" Leonard & the rainbow " by Rod - 156 x 156 cm SEE ARTWORK

Where is the hope in this?


For instance, take a look at the golden based cubes (the larger ones right above the background)...they symbolize Agnes, the mother and grandmother of the victims. She represents the love Leonard had never felt until meeting her...she is something precious to him; precious to All of us as well.


She sprinkled love on everything which is why the cubes are all covered up with colorful paintings.


The album cover of Guns N’ Roses "Appetite for destruction"

In this creation, there are homages to what I like...such as the album cover of Guns N’ Roses’ "Appetite for destruction"...this artwork could even be its younger sibling...


In the middle, there is also a crucified baby...I think the meaning behind this is quite obvious, but, here again, I won’t reveal everything...I give certain keys, but people need to have their own interpretation.


And, as you may have noticed (or will), the artwork comes with a weapon of torture, to be used also to scratch the acrylic frame...


This artwork says a lot; everything about who we are and who/what we can become ... until the end of mankind ... during this “coronavirus era”, we are the virus that will be the end of Humanity, we are our own enemy.


Are we guilty ? Are we innocent ?


It's hard to tell...


Once again, as an artist and as a human being, my art must serve a purpose.



To that end, and with the help of a close friend, I will come into contact with Yann Arthus Bertrand, director of "Human", in order to work alongside him at the Good Planet Foundation, and we will decide together what is possible and what isn’t.


That is all I will say about “Leonard and the Rainbow”...for a part of mystery must remain.




But I hope this will help a little...  

Thank you.


Article published by LJ Art Traffik