Fabienne Peretti
Nationality :
Age :
53 y.o.
Residing :
Fabienne Peretti
Artist Certified MASTER Art Traffik :
Artist’s prices ranging from
750 € to 1 500 €
Followers Art Traffikers

When hands shape without fetter, they bring about gentleness. And when I see people smile when looking at my characters, and see them become attached to them like I do, I say to myself that I got it right. And that brings me great satisfaction.

Fabienne Peretti

Introducing Fabienne Peretti

Fabienne Peretti ? Her works of art, her universe? They are the antithesis of Mickey Mouse sculptures, superheroes or colored "Vuitton" branded resin dogs we see proliferating in art fairs and galleries, and whose copies can even be found on the shelves at Ikea. I will never say it enough, the first vocation of Art is not to be "decorative and/or trendy"; it must trigger emotions and touch us ! This is why Art Traffik selects artists whose first quality is sincerity. That is why we are delighted to introduce to you Fabienne and her sculptures. When Fabienne Peretti says "I am happy when my sculptures make people smile, when they touch them, and they become attached to them as I do, I am happy", it sums it all up.

Fabienne is one of those artists who began creating exclusively for their own enjoyment, and who then dared cross the threshold of galleries because of the encouragement of their loved ones... "Entering a gallery was not at all my objective ! I was just looking for a breath of fresh air, a way to get away from it all. I tried my hand at several media, such as painting, until I discovered that only sculpture truly allowed me to escape. I started pottery from scratch in 2001 and it has not left me since. Only 15 years later did I have my first art exhibit !” she then goes on to say "when you have your hands dipped in clay, you can't think of anything else".

She began taking classes in a workshop and quickly after set up her own workshop at home. Sculpting has become a part of her life, despite relocating several times around the world - Guyana, Africa, Martinique, Canada ... In each new city she settled in, she looked for communal workshops and always set up a personal work space at home. "I enjoy and need the ambiance of collective workshops because of the gatherings and the sharing of expertise and advice.” She remembers her first teacher who, over a period of 6 months, made her break all her creations, in order to verify their quality, and thus instilling in her the required technical threads she needed, or on the contrary, teaching her how to “let go”...


She started off making dishes in order to acquire sufficient techniques, but Fabienne Peretti then turned to sculpting figures. Inspired by Botero or Nicky de Saint Phalle whose works she admires, and "African mamas" who once surrounded her, her earlier figures were quite voluptuous. But she explains : "It was too easy. First of all, it gave me the impression of “déjà vu”, therefore easy in terms of sculpting. It was equally too easy technically. I wanted more details, more finesse".

That's how "Firmin" came to be... Her very first elongated, very cartoon-like slouched silhouette, with a naif-style face, simple attire and messy “I just got out of bed” hair. The first of a now long series, always in ceramics, or more precisely in white chamotte clay, enamel and glaze. Her friends and family convinced her to show them in galleries, so she did. And it was an immediate success!


Undoubtedly, once you have seen one of Fabienne Peretti's sculptures, you will easily identify the others. Each one is different, as are human beings, but her style is quite discernable.

Identifiable by its originality. Fabienne Peretti's "signature": the body, the clothes, the stature (not to mention the look), the hair (sometimes covered by a hat), and of course her color palette of enamels and her technique.

But also recognizable by what her characters exude and what Fabienne endows each of them with: their very endearing character, a kind of phlegm, real simplicity, a kind of "loose" attitude as Fabienne says. None of them are ostentatious or flashy; they are not pretentious. They all have this lightness of being. Most of them have a small belly and are slightly slouched with their hands in their pockets. We feel what their take on life is, or should I say, their take on us : benevolent and gentle, without any judgements, and in my opinion, with a sort of questioning. Like a confidant whose mission is to listen to his/her friend. It’s no wonder we become attached !


Men and women, with varied yet always loose and comfortable clothing.

Occasionally, however, Fabienne Peretti will endow them with discreet accessories which refer to a celebrity or pay a tribute to a painter ("because I love painting" says Fabienne), giving them a particular "identity"; her sculptures have this universal humane quality in the sense that they resemble each and every one of us. Fabienne always gives them an old-fashioned name... Firmin, Gontrand, Barnabé, Madeleine or even Aglaé. Even the "Girl with a pearl earring", whom you will easily recognize, is named Lison...

Another thing I found interesting in what Fabienne shared with me, and which I think is key to her talent, is the way her characters come to life in two stages, and I think the word "birth" is appropriate in this case. From the raw material, she first molds the character’s shape. When the clay works its magic, Fabienne lets go and escapes, with only the clay to guide her moves. This is a fundamental stage because only then does Fabienne "feel" the character coming to life…or not, for she sometimes aborts at this stage. But if the magic takes, then the finishing phase – clothes, hair and accessories - begins. Fabienne is more 'technical', concentrated, meticulous, not to say determined, because she knows how to “adorn” her characters. In the way our DNA determines the color of our hair or how our heart beats, the first stage defines the soul and identity of the character that the latter will transform 'visually'. I am convinced that this is what creates the endearing humane quality that characterizes her characters and what unites them all. It is Fabienne's love and creative sincerity, the DNA that she bestows upon them, which make them singular yet different from one another as are brothers, sisters, cousins...The singularity of one will most likely move you more than another’s. This also explains why Fabienne Peretti always finds it difficult to break away from them, and why she is intransigent: "I have to like the character, find it nice and become attached to it. Otherwise, I break it. I have evolved, however, for I now accept imperfections; I actually love flaws in my sculptures, because human beings are imperfect."


We are definitely dealing with sincerity, emotions, the humane... quite the opposite of the industrialized painted Mickeys we see.

One of our mottos is « Art in every price range, surely. But above all, Art at all costs ! ». That is why we are absolutely thrilled to introduce to you Fabienne Peretti, perfectly befitting of the Art Traffik selection.

So, which of her characters will be your favorite? Which will become your confidant?

I have already found mine !

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