Magdalena Lamri
Nationality :
Age :
38 y.o.
Residing :
Magdalena Lamri
Painting, Drawing
Artist Certified MASTER Art Traffik :
Guaranteed artist :
Artist’s prices ranging from
600 € to 3 200 €
Followers Art Traffikers

My work is my life. I eat and I dream paint…I must have probably given up certain things but they must not have been essential for I do not remember them.

Magdalena Lamri

Introducing Magdalena Lamri

Art Traffik has been following Magdalena and her career path for several years now. Over the years, we’ve admired her evolution and her many awards and achievements, in France and abroad, including the recognition by Saatchi. Aside for her international acclaim, we are very pleased to present her universe because we LOVE her work as much as we do the artist. We have no doubts concerning her potential or her talent : “Master Certified” artist benefiting from our 5 year buy-back guarantee ! 


Magdalena’s style and universe are very recognizable. She is of those artists whose artworks originate from their emotions, spirit and their thoughts. They bear the soul and the DNA of the artist. 


Each of her artworks are a sfumato, a commingling of reality and dream, that coexist, interact and feed off one another. Poetically and delicately, she reveals to us a bit of her soul…while awakening our own.

Her paintings or drawings are an open door, a gateway between a dream (wild, rugged landscapes with traits borrowed from fairytales and the legends of the Brocéliande forest, in which deers are symbolic and omnipresent) and her reality as a woman, mother, or simply as a human being, with her memories, sensitivity, her emotions and life passages…and, where you may see a part of “darkness” in her work, we see the shadowing of an introspection, the filtering of what the conscious perceives from the subconscious, with its haziness.
In her artworks, the characters interact in both a real life setting and a dreamlike environment, with wild and rugged landscapes. Like overlapping, hazy boundaries, between fantasy and reality, in which reality may even be disturbed through a distorted decor or elements, with the blurring or even the disappearance of a character’s body parts, a ghost-like appearance…you’ll spend hours looking at the artwork, continuously discovering new details, symbols, codes, messages and emotions. Childish, a reminiscing of her childhood ? Yes, Magdalena readily admits it : “Childhood never left me, I am still a child. The first book to have had an impact on me, when I was a child, was “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll, and it has been following me ever since”. 

Her artworks are the fruit of her privacy, both intellectual and spiritual. And, although the titles are a key to deciphering the artist’s emotions and to reading “the story she narrates”, each artwork can be left to the interpretation of the onlooker, depending on his or her sensitivity and life-story. This is why Magdalena defines herself more as an emotionally inspired artist rather than an artist inspired by ideas or messages. 


And that’s when the magic of her artworks hits ; awakening our sensitivity, our emotions and our hearts. A mirror of our souls, an introspection; sending chills. If encountering an artwork is similar to a romantic encounter, being irrepressible and unique, Magdalena’s paintings are a perfect example of that, with the emotions (or not…) and the intimacy they arouse in us. 


Need we mention her perfect technic ? Her mastered strokes, with either the desired precision or haze. Yet, she draws and positions her characters beforehand : only over the course of her creation and without premeditation, does the surrounding decor come to life, with the instinctive and inspired strokes of her brush. As for her color schemes, they are meticulously harmonious, achieving that “fusion” between fantasy and reality. So, if the “subject” doesn’t touch your soul, the undeniable aesthetics and beauty of her artworks surely will. 


Her rank within our Master selection is self-evident. Her potential is beyond a doubt. Well-informed collectors aren’t mistaken, even though, from our viewpoint, her Art is to be loved more than her potential. And we hope it will inspire you as well.  


Now, the time has come for us to leave you…to take a ride on the emotionally, dreamlike voyage induced by Magdalena Lamri’s artworks. 



Goya Le Caravage Diego Vélasquez


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