Yann Sciberras
Nationality :
Age :
56 y.o.
Residing :
Yann Sciberras
Artist Certified MASTER Art Traffik :
Guaranteed artist :
Artist’s prices ranging from
1 600 € to 18 000 €
Followers Art Traffikers

I remain influenced by my career as a musician. I always feel like I’m composing my paintings, with melodies and lyrics. Their genre ? Punk ! Subversion and derision

Yann Sciberras

Introducing Yann Sciberras

Yann Sciberras....here’s another artist from Art Traffik’s selection who is constantly on the rise…in every sense of the word. To the point that he was spotted by the Saatchi Art Gallery of London, where he exhibited and performed live…he was even sought out by famous brands such as Hugo Boss, Hermes, Vogue and Air France… he’s one of those artists in our selection you must hurry up and buy while his artworks are still affordable…  


Decidedly urban, imbued with all that makes up our society, overflowing with signs, codes and scrambled words, painted with carefully selected colors, his artworks come to life with their characters, who could easily come from Camille de Saint-Saens’  “Danse macabre”, in a revamped, punk version ! Is there a message beyond the aesthetics ? YES 

Originating from the punk rock culture, this painter and performer (and musician), rocks us visually and challenges us with his characters and messages. Although we are drowning in coded symbols from brands, products and slogans, Yann isn’t trying to teach us a lesson but rather show us what our society has become, in which we are all actors (and/or victims). No proselytism; he calls on us to remain aware and critical.


Yann says “Art isn’t just the expression of feelings, emotions, beliefs, a deliverance by the magic of lines and colors, a vision through ego’s prism…for me, it is also a snapshot of our era, real life, current events and our lifestyle composed of our anxieties and delusions.”

The product is paintings on canvasses but also reworked and redressed objects (mailboxes, gas pumps, armchairs…) in which the aesthetics serves the message and inversely. With provocative and raw intentions specific to the punk culture, yet softened with the color palette, creating a contrast which challenges us even more. Indeed, his artworks are to be seen, tasted, read and deciphered; they often invoke Keith Haring, Basquiat or Dubuffet. And Yann admits he was drawn by these artists but goes on to say “When I was a child, I thought I was a genius because I wrote on my drawings. And then I stumbled upon a book about Basquiat…there was no genius; it was only about people being inspired.”


His style evolves progressively, all the while keeping his own identity which he continually challenges, and with that certain “rhythm », stemming from music which he never completely gave up. Just as there are melodies and lyrics, his paintings are made up of colors and signs, creating a whole, leaving us to decide how we choose to read his artworks, their aesthetics and message. 


For these reasons, he is part of our « Master certified » selection and for which we offer our guarantee, without hesitation, because are sure he will continue to rise and rise ! To be followed closely ! 



Oskar Kokoschka Jean Dubuffet A. R. Penck


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