Nissim Ben Aderet
Nationality :
Age :
53 y.o.
Residing :
Nissim Ben Aderet
Artist Certified MASTER Art Traffik :
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Artist’s prices ranging from
1 850 € to 10 000 €
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My artworks depict a fragile figurative balance of independence and codependence, that reflects upon communal life and social interaction.

Nissim Ben Aderet

Introducing Nissim Ben Aderet

Discovered at the Berlin Art Fair, his stand caught my eye from afar. At first glance, I was attracted by the sleek aesthetics, which is rather complex and natural, radiating from Nissim’s artworks. I had to get a closer look.


As I approached, I was both subjugated by the complex interlacing of his figures and inquisitive of the interaction between them and the spectators. The more I admired his artworks, “entering” their universe, the more I felt like I was meeting a crowd, inciting me to lend an ear and listen to the “murmurs” emanating…


Meeting the artist at his stand: discovering the man, and the essence of his artworks: mankind, human beings, social interactions, nature, his own encounters and life experiences which inspire each artwork.

But above all, and beyond the aesthetics, I discovered the meaning and technic of his work, and I was bluffed: the connection between us all, the link which Nissim sublimates with his technic are of a single stroke, a single line. Each of his artworks feature just one starting point and one finishing point…



Of this « line », this link, comes about a crowd of figures and animals which we continually discover. Even after several weeks, months, years even, we continue to find new figures; a hidden animal suddenly springs out. Such as with the artwork “Loop” in which you have perhaps seen an elephant ? It’s there, look for it…

Nissim is inspired by his social life, which he incorporates then reproduces on canvas, with that single line, that link…Remarkable! It isn’t surprising to know that, in preparation of each artwork, he relies on meditation and yoga, to imagine, create and preview the painting on his white canvas. He’ll then walk up to it, set upon his marker or his paintbrush, and plunge into this maze of curved lines, with hardly ever lifting his hand, recreating the envisioned image, like a self-evidence. His figures appear, one after the other, slowly coming to life and speaking out…who are they? what is their message? Only Nissim knows yet we all listen and have our own interpretations.


Although the substance of his work is composed of these artworks made from a single line, black on white or white on black, he constantly explores other technics which enhance his work. Filling in certain voids, or introducing a vibration in the strokes, sometimes adding volume and drawing close to a figurative style with an interplay of shadows and light…And perhaps, one day, color ? Stay tuned !!



Paul Klee Alexander Calder Pablo Picasso


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