


Fin DAC, when street art conquers office spaces

Our client wanted for his brand new office space, a consulting firm place de la Madeleine in Paris, an energetic, creative and colorful spirit…an Artistic one.


He, therefore, came to Art Traffik for advice in choosing from various professional street artists capable of painting a 4m wide wall, within his premises. Among those artists, Fin DAC’s name quickly became prominent…

Four months later, time needed for Fin DAC to find 4 consecutive, unoccupied days within his many travel plans, I had the pleasure of greeting him at the airport. I hadn’t seen him in 3 years, not since our last encounter in London.



Four memorable days spent with Fin DAC (with a noteworthy dinner during which he discovered “andouillette”), witnessing, step by step, the emergence of his artwork. I stood there gaping, in awe as I realized how well he mastered spray painting, rendering such a photographically realistic image…between the lips, the hair…we just had to share this with our Art Traffikers.

Needless to say that our client was THRILLED and PROUD of this wall, which quickly went viral with his employees, clients and also on the web.


For you, we selected images of the artwork in progress. Enjoy ! 






Article published by LJ Art Traffik