Brigitte ROCHAS
Nationality :
Age :
66 y.o.
Residing :
Brigitte ROCHAS
Artist certified Art Traffik :
Artist’s prices ranging from
350 € to 3 400 €
Followers Art Traffikers

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Brigitte ROCHAS

Introducing Brigitte ROCHAS

Since the beginning of Brigitte Rochas’ professional career in 2000, she has exhibited her artworks in numerous art fairs and exhibitions such as the GMAC, SIAC, ART3F, ART SHOPPING....

Her most recent paintings, a synthesis of her technique identifiable in her previous "URBAN SONGS", "COLORED EVASIONS", "INTERIOR LANDSCAPES" and "REVES D'AILLEURS" periods, could be analyzed, although this exercise may seem too simplistic, as colored projections.

There has been a recent shift in the way the public perceives her artworks, a perception imbued with a new emotion.  The spectators are guided by a series of keys which allow them to have different interpretive degrees. The forefront, then the steering of the eyes that wander until finally they are lured by the horizontal line which fascinates and engages an analysis. 


The materiality is structured by the dominance of colors. The abstraction is random, informal and allusive. The choice of a lively, colorful palette, with a preference for red, green, yellow and sometimes blue, is the fruition that offers a bright and optimistic world to onlookers.

The emotion delivered is informal and is the result of journeys through various regions of France and Europe. If there were to be inspirations, then Klee, De Staël, Debré and Zao Wou-ki would be distant masters. Traditional, colorful and deep yet specific and personal, Brigitte Rochas' art often times resonates deeply with some of her collectors because it offers serenity, an escapism in our ever-changing world.


Brigitte Rochas' technique combines the use of her favorite pigments, sand, oil pastels and graphite tips. 

Her current collection, "Itinéraires colorés" (“Colorful Itineraries”), which began in 2019 which the painting  "Tu me fais tourner la tête" (“You make my head spin”) is very representative and a true portrayal of her most recent work; a milestone in her 30 year-long artistic career. 

This new collection could also be named "Colored Paths", "Colorful Ballads " or "Escape Routes".

But isn’t that why we say that Brigitte Rochas is first and foremost a "colorist"?

 We wish you a very pleasant journey vagabonding through her colorful itineraries!




Nicolas de Staël Fabienne Verdier Edouard Hopper


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