Luc Hautbout
Nationality :
Age :
56 y.o.
Residing :
Luc Hautbout
Curated by AT
Artist’s prices ranging from
850 € to 2 770 €
Followers Art Traffikers

"A good painting is the fruit of a STATE OF GRACE".

Luc Hautbout

Introducing Luc Hautbout

"V I B R A T I O N S" is my way of showing. To paint in successive transparent layers with horizontal lines where each color gives its opinion. Vibrations between Earth and Sky, matter and energy. Vibrations with Measure, Surprise and contemplative Silence. Between Portraits and Landscapes, Memories and Visions, may simplicity prove accuracy (...) In 2021, covid hysteria will transform me definitively into an extraterrestrial. Safe and sound. Having lost all understanding of the world in which I live, I have to consult specialized psychiatrists. And the medical diagnosis is in: I'm autistic -without intellectual disability. In other words, with Asperger's syndrome. Then came the vertigo of awareness, mourning and the gradual relearning of myself after 5 decades of self-maltreatment. STOP: like a helping friend, ART reaches out to me (...) Painting brings order to my chaos. By dint of observing the canvas, feeling it incomplete and imagining what could be done, the fine-tuning takes place almost without my knowing it. Often, my paintings move forward at night, when a benevolent double is working for me/for him. Sometimes, I ask the good Lord to take my hand: "Go ahead; now it's your turn!" And it's not uncommon for him to intervene, for us to work together. Cool! In short, I want nothing more. Mark is my Friend. The word -ami- is a bit familiar when it comes to a Master (Rothko), but I happen to think as much of his paintings as of the photos of him in his studio with his fag and his stepladder. In art, originality cannot come from a quest for originality, but from a conquest of oneself. To "renew oneself" is an expression that irritates me, almost an abuse of language. I would rather seek the opposite: to do the same painting over and over again, more vast, more precise, more wall-like. In this way, I want my paintings to assert themselves as "Buddha glances". Beauty-goodness-utility to spiritualize the space between light switches and central heating pipes! Even if the canvas I buy is ready to paint, I like to give it a coat of gesso. A sort of ritual, a first contact to get to know the new painting-being. A second ritual is to spray myself with eau de toilette. Stimulating my olfactory sense stimulates all my other senses. A third is to go barefoot to get a better feel for the floor and my body's presence in the room. These routines act as cues, like sunrise or sunset, which legitimize waking or sleeping. Music also helps. Depending on the mood of the day, I listen to whale song to go deeper, the invasive bagpipes to welcome my gentle madness or Malte Marten's handpan to refocus. In the heat of the moment, I widen my field of vision. Space-time dissolves. It's no longer a time for thinking, but for being. And to quote the old Asian adage: "I think, therefore I am no longer!" Incidentally, I like the idea that my paintings are Ukiyo-E, i.e. images of the world floating like samplings of reality devoid of center and symmetry, without beginning or end. In a word, "V I B R A T I O N S" ...

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Art Traffik's point of view on Luc Hautbout

It was a wonderful surprise to discover that artist Marc Hautbout had applied! There was very little debate among our selection committee, and the answer was a unanimous yes. The title of his works, ‘vibrations’, is totally appropriate for what they offer us, both visually and emotionally. Their subtle balance invites contemplation and silence. The balance of the colours, the balance of their composition, the balance of the nuances and the transparency... So many balances that invite us to the sensitivity and fragility that they show and that they inspire.