
Oeuvre en revente

Mise en situation


171 cm x 110 cm x 2 cm (hauteur x largeur x profondeur)

Belgique, Brussels

Œuvre unique
2 500,00 €
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A propos de l'œuvre

El Caminante, "The Walker," a captivating conceptual artwork meticulously brought to life using the dynamic technique of acrylic painting. This masterpiece not only embodies the artistic brilliance of its creator but also carries a profound narrative rooted in the transformative journey of an artist who emerged from the impoverished streets of Medellin to become a revered muralist, illuminating the city's heart with his poignant visions. "The Walker" stands as a testament to the power of human spirit and its capacity to transcend circumstances. Through bold strokes and an array of vivid acrylic hues, the canvas comes alive with an energy that captures the essence of a journey. Each brushstroke narrates a chapter of triumph over adversity, reminding us that even in the face of challenges, there is potential for beauty and hope to flourish. At the core of "The Walker" lies a narrative that resonates with inclusion and inspiration. Emerging from a background of hardship in Medellin, the artist's own transformation is interwoven with the artwork's layers of meaning. Just as the walker navigates paths less traveled, so too does the artist navigate the realms of possibility, revitalizing marginalized areas through the transformative power of art. By welcoming "The Walker" into your space, you invite the spirit of resilience and hope to infuse your surroundings. This masterpiece is a testament to the transformative capabilities within us all – a reflection that beauty can emerge from even the most challenging conditions. As you reflect upon the intricate textures and vibrant hues, you're invited to connect with the shared journey of the artist and the communities he empowers. "The Walker" not only captivates the eye but also speaks to the heart. It embodies the essence of art as a catalyst for change, and a symbol of the human spirit's ability to rise above adversity. By adding "The Walker" to your collection, you become part of a narrative that celebrates the strength within each of us. Illuminate your space with this extraordinary artwork and become a patron of the narrative that reminds us of the transformative power of resilience and hope.

Informations complémentaires

Entre Cielo y Tierra
Oeuvre unique
Signature de l'artiste
En bas à droite
Art Conceptuel
Certificat d'authenticité
Remise en main propre
Prix négociable

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